Health care consumerism has always been about empowering individuals to select more cost-effective, appropriate care. This thesis is the backbone of consumer driven health plans (CDHPs), which aim to make employees active participants in their health care.
A CDHP is simply the combination of a high deductible health plan (HDHP) and a health care account. Since HDHPs have low premiums but high deductibles (i.e., employees must cover a significant portion of incurred health costs), health care accounts are often used to offset these expenses.
CDHPs can be an excellent way for employers to control health care spending, too. In fact, CDHPs are often more effective than traditional health plans at reducing total medical costs. For example, short-term cost savings increased by 20% for employers during their first year of switching to a CDHP, according to a Cigna report. That’s because CDHPs share much of their costs with employees, rather than relying primarily on the employer. Even employers that contribute to employee health accounts can choose how much to do so, providing even more spending control.
Beyond monetary advantages, CDHPs also help improve employee satisfaction with their health coverage. Reach out today to learn more about how CDHPs can benefit your organization.