Consumers to pay federal user fee for health plans in 2015


Consumers to pay federal user fee for health plans in 2015

by IFAwebnews Staff

According to a proposed rule put forth by the Department of Health and Human Services, consumers in 2015 will pay a user fee equal to 3.5% of premiums for plans purchased through the health insurance marketplace. The fee would be the same as the fee to be paid in 2014.

The proposed rule would set 2015 payment parameters for cost-sharing reductions, advance premium tax credits, reinsurance and risk adjustment programs under the Affordable Care Act.

The HHS said the proposal (CMS-9954-P), would implement standards for programs “that will have numerous effects, including providing consumers with affordable health insurance coverage, reducing the impact of adverse selection, and stabilizing premiums in the individual and small group health insurance markets and in an [insurance marketplace].”

Additional standards are proposed for composite rating and the privacy and security of any personally identifiable information.